Thursday, January 28, 2010

My work will go on...

Photography as a class is over...not my work.

I am really excited to get out in field and work on my art. Going through all my work I realised that I do have the potential to capture some fine work. And I am going to do it.

During the semester, I learned how to destaurate the colored photographs and make them classic. I also learned how to leave a part of the picture colored and desaturate the rest. I would agree that typography, black and white and free style are my better areas to work.

Using the sponge tool, downloading cool fonts, setting the contrasts to the picture to make it look just PERFECT it was all so much fun. And the good part is that along with the fun I learnt to use Adobe Photoshop, which will help me in long run.

I am looking forward to my next semester Film-making class. I am sure I will explore new boundaries to my abilities in that field too.

I would like to thank all of you who have been visiting my blog and giving me comments about my work. I really appreciate it and would encourage more constructive and encouraging comments.
Thanks again.

And as for photography as I said, my work will go on so keep visiting the blog.

Rumani Agnihotri

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rumani Agnihotri/ Artist Statement

“Click every photo as if it is your going to be the best of your life: said Ms. Canelake at the beginning of the class. I tried and followed this statement every time I clicked the shutter. I clicked every photograph in a very random way. I kept one thing in mind that my photo should be acclaimed the best photo of the week every time; it should be on Ms. Canelake’s window every week. That was my inspiration, my goal to be better than the best.

My first assignment was desaturating the colored photo and thus turning them to a black and white picture. It was our classic photo assignment by using the desaturation tool in the iphoto. My favorite picture in that assignment was a picture in which my two long fingers are playing with a tiny, shiny jelly ball. The jelly ball was transparent and so it shined giving a glowing effect to the ball. I never planned to take that picture until one day I was playing with the jelly ball and camera in my second hand. Just randomly, I clicked the shutter. When I saw the picture that I took, I knew that it was
“THE PICTURE” that I wanted.

My second assignment was to desaturate the whole photograph but one object. The motif behind doing this picture was to create a surprise effect for the viewers. Our aim behind this assignment was to create an “ooh-aah” photo in Ms. Canelake’s words. I used the sponge tool in adobe Photoshop to desaturate. This tool absorbs the color basically and so it is named a sponge tool.

When I was going through all my photos, I noticed a pattern in my pictures. I noticed that most of the photographs I clicked were off center. For some reason I like off center pictures because it takes your attention in a discreet way. It is not right in front of your eyes but still it is the main thing your eye notices.

I have so far clicked some of the best pictures of my life and I hope to continue clicking some good pictures in the future. I believe that a photograph should be such that you don’t want to take your eyes off them, it should get you in the mindset of analyzing it, making you think.

I wanted my photographs to better than the best and to some extent I think I have succeeded in doing so…

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is what I see....